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Tech Networking and Games - Mystery League

Writer: Michael SwensenMichael Swensen

Life is full of changes, some quick, some over time. With everything that has happened over the last few weeks, it seems like things have been turned on their heads. Personally, I feel like networking is more important now that ever! But how can we network, while staying socially distant? We can't do our monthly meet ups in the same way. We can't hold events or run our in office leagues quite the same. So we change along with it.

I'd like to announce the first Tech Networking and Games Sealed League - Mystery Booster Edition. This league is a 'stay at home' league. Working with Game Grid in Lehi, we are playing all of our games on their Discord channel. When you sign up (online), they will deliver or ship your packs to you. You can get a PVC setup to place your phone or webcam on to capture your playmat and play games, over video chat on Discord.

You can get further details on how this works, check out Game Grid's Facebook Page for details on playing over Discord.

If you would be interested in joining us, you can sign up here and you can get a PVC setup here. If you live in the Utah County area, Game Grid will deliver your items to you, otherwise they will ship them to you.

This league will run slightly differently. You will receive 8 packs when you sign up. Only open four if you are starting on the first week (March 30 - April 3). Open one pack more each week after that. For each 3 games you lose 3, you can open another pack to add to your pool. Games are casual, on a request basis. Let people know when you are available in the channel, and pair up with others at the same time. Talk tech, opportunities, and grow during your games, all from the safety of your own home.

When you sign up, make sure you are part of Game Grid's Discord channel. If you are not, you can sign up for their Discord channel here. Only Tech Networking Members can access the channels in the Category. To be added, please ping me (Gurfuzle#8302) or @game grid and we'll add that role to your account so you can access it.

One final note. For all of the events we've done in the past, they've been located in Utah. This event is online, so if you aren't in Utah, you can still join. All you need is access to Mystery Boosters, and a webcam. We do ask, if it is reasonable, to sign up through Game Grid, and get the packs through them, but if not, you can still join.

We may not be able to meet in person, but we can still grow our network while doing our part to social distance. Hope to see you online!




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