Today is January 19th, 2021, and the heavy metal influenced set of Kaldheim is coming on February 5th! Time to prep for our next corporate league!

What is a Magic League?
A league in Magic is a month long tournament using sealed packs from a given set. Each player starts with the same number of packs, and builds a 40 card deck. Over the course of the month, people may add more packs one per week, and one for each 3 losses up to a cap of 12 packs total. Games are played best of one, and players are encouraged to not play the same person twice in a row.
This format works well for networking! Everyone is on an even playing field, whether you are new to the game, or have played for years we all have the same number of packs. With best of one games, and not playing the same person twice in a row, games are quick and you end up playing a large variety of people.
At the end of the league, we have typically held a tournament for players from all companies to come and compete for the company trophy and the glory that comes with being the corporate champions of that set. With luck, our final tournament this time around will be in person, with proper social distancing rules, and an option for people to participate using Discord. Details to come!
For this league, games will begin Monday, February 8th and run through Friday, March 5th. Weekly packs go out on February 15th, February 22th, and March 1st.
Not in Utah?
Not a problem! We are playing games over Discord!
If you can get access to a prerelease kit and 6 other packs (Either from your local game store or from Game Grid in Lehi) and you have access to the internet and a webcam, we will invite you to join Game Grid's Discord server and you can play games with us that way! Reach out to to join that server.
Not with a company or not 3 or more from your company? Not a problem!
We will have a number of people playing as independents. You can participate for the league during the month, and if you are interested in participating in the final tournament, join with other independents to create a team, or join with another company!
How do I join?
If you are interested in joining, fill out this form and/or reach out to to get your name on the list. You will need to purchase a prerelease kit + 6 additional packs. We do run a bulk buy from Game Grid in Lehi, for those interested, reach out to How and when those packs are opened are determined as stated above. Hope to see you on Discord!